Time Management

Do you leave things to the last minute to finish? Are you spending too much time sleeping or on Social Media? Did you forget an assignment that was due yesterday? Click here to learn how to manage your time more effectively.

Messages From
Role Models

Our Time Management: Goal Setting

Ricky-Lee Watts
Victoria, British Columbia


Tips & Tricks

Using a Calendar or planner

Phones and most email accounts come with a calendar or scheduling application. Scheduling important meetings and events in the app will help you keep track of what you need to do throughout the day. You can set it up to send you reminders.

If you are not good at remembering to put things into the app, getting a day-planner that you can write in might be really helpful. It gives you a place to write daily to do's, track assignments due dates and important deadlines, so you can make sure you are on track for your classes and do not forget to do something important.

Tools and Resources

Time Management

Time Management Apps

There are so many time management apps that it is hard to suggest one that might work for you. If the calendar app on your phone is just what you need, perfect. But if you are looking for other helpful apps to organize your time and make sure you pick up the right groceries, check out the following link for 14 Time Management Apps for students.

14 Top Time Management Apps for Students in 2020

Time Management


Do you work best with visuals? The Kanban method works really well for visual leaners and creative types. Using a white board or paper stuck to your wall and post it notes, you can make your lists, colour coded if you like, and then move them around as you move through the tasks. It is a great way to see what is needed to be done, in process, and finished! The simplest form is possibly

Plan / Process / Complete (or To Do / Doing / Done).

Check out the link below for more information, and look on YouTube for different tutorials. It works really great with group projects.

Visual Organizational Board for College Students : 7 Steps

Time Management

To Do Lists & Prioritizing

Creating a To-Do list can be easy, there is always something to do. However, it can feel overwhelming. Consider breaking your to do list into three basic categories: School (assignments, readings...), Social (clubs, volunteer, events, friends...), Adulting (groceries, bills, chores...)
Within these categories you can break down the to do into smaller parts. This is helpful to wrap your mind around a big project. Smaller "to-do's/goals" feel more achievable than bigger to-do's. The link below is a great article that gives you a few examples and tips on how to prioritize your to-do's.

How to Prioritize Work: 9 Practical Methods When "Everything is Important"

Time Management

Study Skills and Time Management Tips

Not really sure how to schedule your time? Do you find you procrastinate to the point of panicking the day before an assignment is due? Are you having trouble finding the time to hang out with friends, study, eat, sleep and oh right, go to class?
Check out the links below that contain helpful videos and some tips on how to schedule your day so you have for everything you want to do.

Study Skills – Time Management

Top time management tips for students | Beyond Ideas