
"Don't spend your whole cheque at Sephora! If you have no money to go anywhere no one will see your five new shades of lipstick." -Anonymous Student

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Tips & Tricks

Some Things To Think About When Budgeting For School

  • How much are you willing to spend on a place to live?
  • Can you afford to have a place on your own, or are you going to need a roommate?
  • How much can you afford to spend on food?
  • How much will you have to spend on childcare?
  • Can you afford to have phone, internet, and/or cable TV?
  • If you have a vehicle, is it cheaper to drive to school and pay for parking, or take the bus?
  • If you are getting a student loan, when do you actually get the money in your bank account?
  • If you are Band or FANS funded, when do you get your cheque?

Tools and Resources


App Attack: Wellspent

Created by RBC Ventures, this app lets you link your debit and credit cards, or enter the information manually. It gets you to reflect on your spending and gives you a visual representation of your spending habits.

You can download the iOS app here for Apple devices, or the Android version from the Google Play Store.


App Attack: Mint

This nifty free app helps you track your spending, make budgets and help you save.  Log in through online banking so all accounts are in the same place gives you notifications for your budget limits based on your goals and pathway.

Mint is owned by Intuit, one of the biggest personal finance companies that makes the Quicken, Quicktax, and Quickbooks software, so it should be around for awhile!

Here's the Apple iOS download link, and the one for Mint for Android too.


Budgeting Tools

A budget is a way to track your spending and to make sure you have enough to live on.

You can find a lot of budgeting programs online; here's one example from Their website has a lot of really great information to help Canadian students learn more about saving, budgeting, paying for post secondary, credit cards and more.

If tracking your spending and creating a detailed budget is not your idea of fun consider the 50/30/20 rule. 50% of your income, after taxes, goes to essentials, 30% goes to wants and 20% goes to savings. Check out this blog post for more information.


Financial Literacy

The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of BC has created an amazing resource to help ALL students understand Banking, Savings, Credit Cards, Money Traps, Budgeting, and more. It is important to know where your money comes from and how to make the most of it.

Financial Literacy Handbook