Mental Health

Everything is new and exciting and scary. Learn what resources are available to you to help you succeed.

Messages From
Role Models

Mental Health

Ricky-Lee Watts
Victoria, British Columbia


Tips & Tricks


If you have prescriptions make sure you have enough for while you are away, or talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting your prescriptions transferred to the school pharmacy or a pharmacy close to your new home.

If changing medications before heading off to post secondary, speak to your doctor about side effects and what to do if the side effects become too much.

Tools and Resources

Mental Health

App: Happify

Helps to reduce stress and negative thoughts and works with you to learn new habits while working on your well-being skills using mediations, games and activities.
Apple iOS Link Happify
Android Link Happify

Mental Health

App: Happy Not Perfect

This app works with 7 steps. First it has you check in with yourself and how you are feeling. Then it takes you through breathing exercises, and a journaling activity to let go of your worries. A quick gratitude activity, a game, a compassion exercise or mini challenge, and finishes with you sending someone a positive vibe.

The website also contains guides, experts and meditations to help you through almost any situation.

Apple iOS Link Happy Not Perfect
Android Link Happy Not Perfect

Mental Health

Tolerance for Uncertainty: A COVID-19 Workbook

Learn to accept your feelings, tolerate distress and move forward with grace despite not knowing what lies ahead.

This resource is not just for during the COVID-19 situation but for any part of our lives. It covers topics of Understanding emotional distress and wellness planning, emotional regulation, radical acceptance, improving emotional distress and self compassion. The workbook takes you through strategies and activities you can use to help while at school or in your everyday life.

Tolerance for Uncertainty: A COVID-19 Workbook

Mental Health


It's completely normal to worry when things get hectic and complicated.

Anxiety is a natural human reaction that involves mind and body. It serves an important basic survival function: Anxiety is an alarm system that is activated whenever a person perceives danger or threat.

But if worries become overwhelming, you may feel that they're running your life. If you spend an excessive amount of time feeling worried or nervous, or you have difficulty sleeping because of your anxiety, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. They may be symptoms of an anxiety problem or disorder.
For more information and resources check out: Anxiety Canada and
What is Anxiety?

Also check out Anxiety Canada's app: Apple iOS Mindshift CBT

Android Mindshift CB

Mental Health

We Matter

We Matter is an Indigenous youth-led and nationally registered organization dedicated to Indigenous youth support, hope and life promotion.

Our work started with the We Matter Campaign – a national multi-media campaign in which Indigenous role models, youth, and community members from across Canada submit short video, written and artistic messages sharing their own experiences of overcoming hardships, and communicating with Indigenous youth that no matter how hopeless life can feel, there is always a way forward.
From: We Matter Campaign

Download their youth toolkit which has the videos organized in in a way for you to focus on a certain topic, Interest or region.
Toolkit for Indigenous Youth • We Matter